The User Tab

One of the features that make PetroVR Plan a versatile and powerful modeling tool is the ability to create User-Defined Variables. The place where these variables are hosted is the User tab. User tabs are present in different parts of the application, associated to main model objects; so, the following nodes in the Tree View have an User tab each:

There exist other tabs labeled "User Variables" in the Facilities, Reservoirs & Wells, and Well Groups nodes. These display all user-defined variables for all objects of the same kind in tabular form; see Other Tables.

The Contracts tool contains a similar User tab, where the values entered for each user-defined variable will be taken as default for each partner, but can be assigned partner-specific values in the Partner Node.

PetroVR Portfolio projects and nodes also include a User tab, with the same functionality as that of PetroVR Plan.

Use the Add variable pane at the bottom of any User tab to create new variables. The following types are available:

  • Add single user variableSingle: Standard variable type, where a single value is considered.
  • Add array user variableArray: Series of values, one for each period of the simulation. Note that changing the Periodicity in the General Tab will affect the number of values.
  • Add table user variableTable: See User-Defined Tables.

The variables you create will populate the User tab. Right-clicking on a variable editing area provides the usual commands available, and also the following options:

  • DuplicateDuplicate the selected variable.
  • DeleteDelete the selected variable.
  • Rename the selected variable.
  • Copy to all ...: Copy the selected variable to all other objects of the same type throughout the project. Like the general Copy command, Copy to all ... copies the variable with all its attributes (value, description, tag, etc.) If the variable belongs to a group, it will be placed in the same group in other User tabs, creating the group when necessary.

You can select more than one variable by drawing a rectangle with the mouse pointer or using the CTRL key.

Right-clicking elsewhere in the tab allows you to:

  • Add Single / Array / Table: Add a new variable.
  • Find a variable by name. Entering an incomplete variable name will select the nearest matching name.
  • Paste variablePaste variable: Paste copied variable from the clipboard. You can copy any system or user-defined variable from the same project and paste it as a new user-defined variable.

User-defined variables can be arranged in groups using the Groups pane to the right. First create a group with the Add group Add button, and then drag-and-drop existing variables onto a group. By selecting a group name in that pane you can restrict the variables displayed to those included in that group. All variables will show variables from all groups, while Unclassified will show only those that are not yet in any group.

  • You can also send a variable to a group using the right-click option Classify under on the variable editing area.
  • To delete a group, use the Delete group Delete button (this does not delete the variables included in it).
  • To rename a group, use the right-click Rename option.
  • The Show groupsHide groups buttons hide/show the list of defined groups.

Classifying a variable under a group does not affect its variable name.

If you copy and paste a user-defined variable that belongs to a group, PetroVR will include the new variable in a group with the same name, creating the group if necessary.

The combo next to the Add variable pane allows you to type the first letters of a variable and select it from a list of matching options.

Find variables

Variables will initially be arranged in the sequence they were created, irrespective of type or alphabetical order. You can rearrange them by drag-and-dropping variables up and down the list.